The Return to Recruitment Agencies: Why Companies are Reconnecting with External Recruiters in 2024

  • Recruitment Strategies
  • By The Hireroo Team
  • Published on 23/07/2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of talent acquisition, companies have experienced a tumultuous relationship with external recruitment agencies. Not long ago, many organizations opted to handle their hiring processes internally, driven by the promise of cost savings and increased control. However, as we move deeper into 2024, a notable shift is occurring. Businesses are rediscovering the value of partnering with external recruitment agencies, like Hireroo, to meet their talent needs. But what prompted companies to move away from recruiters initially, and why are they coming back now?

Why Companies Moved Away from Recruitment Agencies

  1. Cost Considerations
  • One of the primary reasons companies distanced themselves from external recruiters was to cut costs. Engaging a recruitment agency often involves fees that can be perceived as an unnecessary expense, especially for businesses with tight budgets. Companies believed that by handling recruitment internally, they could allocate those funds elsewhere.
  1. Desire for Direct Control
  • Organizations wanted more direct control over their hiring processes. Internal HR teams, equipped with modern tools and technologies, felt confident they could manage the recruitment cycle more efficiently. This control extended to maintaining a consistent company culture and ensuring that new hires aligned perfectly with organizational values.
  1. Advancements in Technology
  • The rise of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and other HR technologies gave companies the tools to streamline their hiring processes. These systems promised to make recruitment faster and more efficient, reducing the perceived need for external assistance.

Why Companies are Returning to Recruitment Agencies in 2024

  1. Human Touch in Recruitment
  • Despite technological advancements, the human element remains irreplaceable in the recruitment process. External recruiters bring a personal touch, understanding the nuanced needs of both clients and candidates. At Hireroo, we emphasize building relationships, ensuring that each match is not just a fit on paper but also in practice.
  1. Expertise and Network
  • Recruitment agencies possess a wealth of expertise and an extensive network of contacts within various industries. This specialized knowledge allows agencies to source high-quality candidates quickly and efficiently. In 2024, the competition for top talent is fierce, and businesses recognize the advantage of leveraging the expertise and connections of seasoned recruiters.
  1. Focus on Core Business Activities
  • By outsourcing the recruitment process, companies can refocus their efforts on core business activities. This strategic move allows internal teams to concentrate on what they do best, leaving the complexities of talent acquisition to the experts.
  1. Adapting to Market Dynamics
  • The job market in 2024 is dynamic and rapidly changing. External recruitment agencies like Hireroo stay abreast of market trends, ensuring that businesses remain competitive in their hiring practices. Our ability to adapt to these changes and provide tailored solutions is a significant advantage for companies seeking to attract and retain top talent.

The Back to Basics Approach

At Hireroo, we believe in a "back to basics" approach. This means prioritizing the human element in recruitment, fostering genuine connections, and delivering personalized service. Our recruiters take the time to understand the unique needs of each client and candidate, ensuring that every placement is a successful one. This approach has resonated with many businesses, leading to a renewed appreciation for the value that recruitment agencies bring to the table.


As we navigate the complexities of the modern job market, the role of external recruitment agencies has never been more crucial. Companies are recognizing that the expertise, network, and personal touch provided by agencies like Hireroo are indispensable in securing the best talent. By returning to a model that values the human element and the basics of relationship-building, businesses can thrive in 2024 and beyond.